Monitoring Protein Intake

A basic building block of muscle growth, protein aids in muscle development by providing calories, or energy, for the body. Due to its ability to be easily absorbed and utilized, whey protein is the most highly preferred nutrition supplement in the fitness world. However, while whey protein may be beneficial for building muscle, it is essential to monitor your daily protein intake for your individual needs. Check out this helpful table to help you understand your protein requirements!


Recommended Protein Intake

Basic requirement

0.8 gm/ kg of bodyweight


1.5 gm/ kg of bodyweight

Weight Loss

1.98 gm/ kg of bodyweight

Be warned that consuming excessive protein can have a negative impact on our bodies as well, leading to dehydration, gout, and even indigestion. Make sure you consult a nutritionist or certified trainer before starting a protein diet to prevent any harmful impact on your body. Keep in mind that the key to a healthy lifestyle is simple: a balanced diet with low fat, high protein, low to moderate carbohydrate intake, and plenty of fiber will go a long way in giving you the positive results you’re looking for!

So choose your protein wisely and remember, the best whey is the Fitness Standard™ whey!